Thursday, July 12, 2007

The rough road from career to killer

The rough road from career to killer

This is not your country your racist and fascist mongrel. This country belongs to Aboriginals. I do not believe you are married to an Aboriginal. If you have done so as you claim then you would not be behaving the way you are carrying on! I always gain the impression that you are a congenital liar like most of the Nazi Zionists and you deserve the gas chamber.

--- In, "bruceksim" wrote:

This is MY country knucklehead!! I was born here as were my children. My son is part aboriginal and that is why he feels it is worth fighting islamo-fascist scum to protect it!! As a fellow Australian aren't you proud of him?? I am!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "union_faruque" wrote:

Re: The rough road from career to killer

Nazi Zionist Bruce,

This is not your country and therefore you should not be talking to me in this manner. I think you should volunteer yourself to the nearest gas chamber.

--- In, "bruceksim" wrote:

If you hate your adopted country so much why don't you just piss off back to the cesspool you crawled out of??!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "union_faruque" wrote:
Re: The rough road from career to killer

Tanveer Ahmed,

Please leave "prejudice and bigotry" aside and ask the following questions. How the hell the elite of the elites of USA, UK and Australia ignored their:

1. Intelligence communities and falsified almost every information,

2. Experts advice and adopted a murderous path,

3. Democracy, fairness and decency in support of an invasion which is in every sense and purpose, nothing but an act of TERRROISM,

4. The duty of care to their respective nations and forced them in an act of terrorism in support of the Nazi Zionist Israel,

5. Conscience (if they have any in the first place) and deliberately murdering Iraqi women and children.

I say this because 94% Iraqis say, "the insurgents are FREEDOM FIGHTERS" and 90%Iraqis say, "the invaders (USA, UK etc.) should leave Iraq". The whole situation is compounded because of the INBUILT RACISM and SACTERIANSIM in the USA military establishment, government, bureaucracy, media and society in general. They are blatantly evidenced by many reported and unreported tragic massacres as well as training manuals and music used to hype up the soldiers, the usage of depleted uranium, phosphorus and many more prohibited weapons and tactics used and adopted by the US military. Many credible sources have proven, "97% of the victims of Iraqi theatre are CIVILIANS". This civilian casualty has worsened due to deliberate targeting of water, sewerage, electricity and utilities by the invaders.

The overall situation in Afghanistan and Palestine are worse than Iraq! A campaign against Iran is simply frightening!

Iraq used to be a secular, peaceful and orderly society. Despite the western propaganda and grandeur campaign against it, Iraq used to be one of the best countries in the region in terms of education, healthcare, food, housing etc. etc. Today, Iraq is a mega graveyard. Every Iraqis are victims of multiple and avoidable tragedies. In many ways, Iraqi lives worth less than dogs!

The Green Zone is another recipe for disaster. It is a state within a state! It is a mini USAKentucky, McDonald, regular Bible classes as well as Cha Cha, Rumba, Salsa discos. No Iraqis, even the Christian Iraqis are not allowed to be in side the `real Green Zone'. The boot polishers and cooks are from Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines and other countries. Beside the invading armies - a large number of privately hired killers have been murdering and terrorising Iraqis inside their homes! equipped with

Generally speaking, Islam and Arab bashings are the most spectacular sports in town today.

The illustrious Prime Minister of Australia misused and abused anti-Terror legislations and conspired a strip search of New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clerk to make Israel happy.

Philip Ruddock, the filthy Attorney General of Australia `virtually' asked his daughter to open her legs for Israeli child molester for power as demonstrated in credible links of Legs are Open for Business.

Whereas the Muslims and Arabs are guilty of every thinkable and unthinkable crimes before even being charged! The Zionised and Zionist media will crucify them without any evidence whatsoever.

In the middle of the deliberately explosive situation, if one or two medial practitioners as reported in the media recently, act incorrectly and foolishly – no one should try to crucify all ARABS and MUSLIMS as it is happening today.

The rough road from career to killer

Tanveer Ahmed
July 5, 2007

Although raised in Australia, as a hospital registrar of Bangladeshi and Muslim background I am often approached by overseas-trained doctors with tales of woe and misery. They feel I can offer a sympathetic ear. From colleagues berating their clinical skills to patients abusing them for poor English, many feel hard done by. I remember a Pakistani doctor taking me aside on a ward round to bemoan how the nurses had complained about the smell of his curry lunches. This was surely an example of racism, or so he felt.

While technology gurus, management consultants and investment bankers rule the modern economies, doctors remain the quintessential high-status professional, especially in the developing world. While the best and brightest here go on to a variety of occupations, in the Third World a greater proportion go on to study medicine.

It is also reflected locally when you consider children of Asian migrants form a high proportion of students in Australian medical schools. In their lust to make a difference, many are later attracted to positions in the clergy or politics. Intervening in human life becomes inseparable from dabbling in human meaning.

Part of the attraction of studying medicine for foreigners is the possibility of migrating to the West, a trend magnified in the past decade when Western governments have produced fewer doctors per capita. The shortfall has been filled by a steady supply of overseas-trained doctors, primarily from Asia and the Middle East. The Australian Medical Association estimates about 25 per cent of the medical workforce is overseas-trained. This figure rises to almost 50 per cent in areas of greater shortage such as rural communities and in states such as Queensland and South Australia.

As a result, a visit to the public hospital these days will have similarities to catching a taxi or going to a convenience store. While the skill sets for the jobs are very different, the interaction is likely to involve a recent immigrant from the developing world, and very often a Muslim. These are the spaces where the south meets the north, right in our own backyards.

While all immigrants from non-English-speaking backgrounds suffer a loss in status, overseas doctors suffer a loss greater than most. Extended periods of examinations, racism and discrimination from health staff and an obligation to do the least desirable jobs often produce a sense of humiliation, a trait central to would-be terrorists.

Doctors are said to be at the centre of the latest attacks in Britain. This would appear inexplicable, especially to those who believe terrorism is attractive only to those who are poor or alienated.

But doctors from the developing world have long been at the centre of terrorist operations or affiliated with radical groups. It is in line with professional, highly educated operators undertaking leadership roles in many Islamic extremist groups.

The most notable is Ayman al-Zawahiri, the Egyptian-born pediatrician who rose to be Osama bin Laden's closest aide. He is widely credited to be the major thinker behind al-Qaeda and credited with its shift from targeting apostates in the Middle East to attacking the West in its own backyard.

Many of the senior figures in Hamas are doctors, from the founder Mahmoud Zahar, who was a surgeon, to the notorious Abdel Rantisi, a pediatrician killed three years ago in a precision Israeli assassination.

An Australian parallel can be seen in the forthcoming trial of the medical student Izhar ul-Haque. He stands accused of joining a banned terrorist group dedicated to Kashmiri liberation. He said he was "fed up with Westerners" before he left on a trip to Pakistan.

Like al-Haque, the Jordanian doctor at the centre of the current British investigations was also very suspicious of Westerners when he moved to Britain. Mohammed Asha was worried about racism. In the Midlands where he lived, The New York Times has reported, he was forthright in asking neighbours about racist attacks in the area. Asha was described as a brilliant man by his peers in Jordan.

For those with a sense of victimhood and alienation, Islamism offers a potent identity to express alienation and connect their personal story to a larger, global struggle, fuelled by television images of conflicts such as those in Palestine, Chechnya or Iraq. In this way Islam has become a symbol of protest - political or social - attracting many who feel disenfranchised or wronged by the society in which they live.

This gains greater weight when you consider that not only are a great proportion of the world's poor Muslim, the places of social exclusion in the West also have a strong ethno-religious flavour, from North Africans in Paris to South Asians in Britain and to a lesser extent, Lebanese in south-western Sydney. These groups often perceive themselves as marginalised or undervalued in their society and thereby feel a connection with the "real" poor and dispossessed Muslims in other parts of the world.

These imagined feelings of connection with the poor and dispossessed are the reasons why the middle classes of the developing world have so often been the leaders in radical groups, including terrorist operations. This is heightened when they feel a sudden drop in status on migrating to the West or are excluded from its liberal social mores.

Overseas doctors as a group are not a terrorist threat. Most make a wonderful contribution to our society. It is a quirk of immigration patterns and Western skill shortages that they have formed the bulk of the latest terrorism detainees. But the event illustrates the kind of groups that may be vulnerable to the lure of terrorism. In this case, sadly, those who were dedicated to preserving human life were transformed into the exact opposite.

Tanveer Ahmed is a psychiatry registrar and writer

Source: Free America Now

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ayaan Hirshi Ali

Ayaan Hirshi Ali

Ayaan Hirshi Ali was taken on by the Labour Party of Holland when she started her political career based on lies, prejudice and bigotry. September the 11th happened, Holland moved to the right. Today, Islam and Arab bashings are the most popular sports in the town!

60 % of the Dutch voted for the “far right politician” Pim Fortyn. Pim Fortyn was shot by an animal activist and not by an Islamite.

Hirshi Ayaan Ali is the biggest ally of Minister Rita Verdonk, the very right winged politician like Pim Fortyn. Minister Verdonk is responsible for sending back many asylum seekers and has given their governments the reports on why they applied for asylum. This is illegal and is dangerous for the people who are send back. Several of them have been killed. Verdonk denied sending any reports until some journalist came up with evidence. Rita had no choice than admitting it. Verdonk want now to send back Iranian asylum seekers who are homosexual, knowing that they are going to be killed.

American Enterprise Institute and many zionised and neo-con organizations are behind Ayaan from the day one.

Aggressive and lunatic Theo van Gogh is a chain smoking, heavy drinking, cocaine using person despised by most Dutch and decent people around the world. People used to ask him, “why do you make mokumentary based on lies”? He response used to be, “evryone knows I am a lunar park clown and no one takes me seriously”. Most of the Dutch people are happy that Ayaan was kicked out from the Dutch Parliament and they do not want her back in their country.

Anyway, he was killed by an misguided 18 yeas old youth and not as a result of a huge conspiracy organised by ‘violent Muslims’. Sadly, such a killing gave Theo virtual sainthood to some level and obviously no one supports such a killing. Yet, predictable section of the world media and powerbrokers are using this incident to demonise Muslims and elivating this professional liar and biggot Ayaan into sainthood.

In old days, they usd to load people to send them in “Crusades”. The result is undeniable and well-known – the unnecesary and avoidable death and destruction in the name of religion. To day, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ershad Manji and Salman Rushdie are used to demonise Muslims and Arabs. Why is it so? Is it to make Israel look good?

Critic of Islam is exposed on claim of asylum and the love child of Adolph Hitler’s predictable praise should ring the alarm bell.

Here a Muslim is Guilty for holding a placard but in Denmark these peoples are not guilty for depicting Muslims and their prophet as terrorists! Ironically, the same kinds of freedom loversZionism and Anti-Semitism, Zionism is worse than Nazism and If Americans Knew. Where is the consistency may I ask?

Surely Israeli Holocaust, Holocaust continuum, The Iron Wall, A list of UN Resolutions against "Israel" and The Holocaust as political asset are the real issues. Iraq pullout would hurt Israel, Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel and the Middle East Formula for Peace along with The Green Zone Follies are a few good examples to prove "Who control America"? Obviously, the answer is Israelis control America and these are only a few good examples to pin point the undeniable fact who really controls America and why the poor Americans are dying like dogs and cats for Israel!

The Brutal Zionist Role in the Holocaust, BEN-GURION'S SCANDALS, Zionism Data Page, Palestinian Holocaust in the Holy Land, Oil, Israel and Iraq, ZIONIST WAR CRIME REPARATIONS 'ISRAEL MUST PAY THE PRICE, Naturalized Chinaman and They Thought They Were Free for your enlightenment.
love to fight everyone and prevent us all from telling us the truth. They want to ban Al-Jazeera for debating issues like

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Holocaust as political asset

The Holocaust as political asset

Zionists are worse than Nazis but all Jews are not Zionists. Faruque Ahmed’s Declaration, British Jewish Declaration, Australian Jewish Declaration, European Jewish Declaration and the hidden truth and reality condemn modern day Nazis under the guise of Zionism except the U(z)SA and UK. Yet, Love Children of Adolph Hitler are silent and they are incapable to answer legitimate questions!

--- In, "bretboudi" wrote:The Holocaust as political assetAMIRA HASSHa'aretz, 18 April 2007

The cynicism inherent in the attitude of the institutions of the Jewish state to Holocaust survivors is not a revelation to those born and living among them. We grew up with the yawning gap between the presentation of the State of Israel as the place of the Jewish people's rebirth and the void that exists for every Holocaust survivor and his family. The personal "rehabilitation" was dependent on the circumstances of each person: the stronger ones versus the others, who did not find support from the institutions of the state. During the 1950s and 1960s we saw the demeaning view of our parents as having gone "like sheep to the slaughter," the shame of the new Jews, the Sabras, over their misfortunate, Diaspora relatives.

It can be argued that during the first two decades, much of this attitude could be attributed to the lack of information and the very human lack of an ability to grasp the full meaning of theindustrialized genocide perpetrated by Germany. But the awareness of the material aspects of the Holocaust started very early, with Jewish and Zionist institutions starting in the early 1940s to discuss the possibility of demanding reparations. In 1952, the reparations agreement with Germany was signed, by which that country agreed to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to Israel to cover the absorption costs of the survivors and pay for their rehabilitation. The agreement obligated Germany to compensate survivors individually as well, but the German law differentiated between those who belonged to the "circle of German culture" and others. Those who were able to prove a connection to the superior circle received higher sums, even if they emigrated in time from Germany. Concentration camp survivors from outside the "circle" received the ridiculous sum of 5 marks per day. The Israeli representatives swallowed this distortion.

This is part of the roots of financial cynicism that the media is being exposed to today, due to several reasons: the advanced age and declining health of survivors, the intentional weakening of the welfare state, the presence of survivors from the former Soviet Union who are not included in the reparations agreement, the media activism of nongovernmental welfare organizations and the welcome enlistment of social affairs journalists.

They are shocked by the gap between the official appropriation of the Holocaust, which is perceived in Israel as understood andjustified, and the abandonment of survivors.

Turning the Holocaust into a political asset serves Israel primarily in its fight against the Palestinians. When the Holocaust is on one side of the scale, along with the guilty (and rightly so) conscience of the West, the dispossession of the Palestinian people from their homeland in 1948 is minimized and blurred.

The phrase "security for the Jews" has been consecrated as an exclusive synonym for "the lessons of the Holocaust." It is what allows Israel to systematically discriminate against its Arab citizens. For 40 years, "security" has been justifying control of the West Bank and Gaza and of subjects who have been dispossessed of their rights living alongside Jewish residents, Israeli citizensladen with privileges.

Security serves the creation of a regime of separation and discrimination on an ethnic basis, Israeli style, under the auspices of "peace talks" that go on forever. Turning the Holocaust into an asset allows Israel to present all the methods of the Palestinian struggle (even the unarmed ones) as another link in the anti-Semitic chain whose culmination is Auschwitz. Israel provides itself with the license to come up with more kinds of fences, walls and military guard towers around Palestinian enclaves.

Separating the genocide of the Jewish people from the historical context of Nazism and from its aims of murder and subjugation, and its separation from the series of genocides perpetrated by the white man outside of Europe, has created a hierarchy of victims, at whose head we stand. Holocaust and anti-Semitism researchers fumble for words when in Hebron the state carries out ethnic cleansing via its emissaries, the settlers, and ignore the enclaves and regime of separation it is setting up. Whoever criticizes Israel's policies toward the Palestinians is denounced as an anti-Semite, if not a Holocaust denier. Absurdly, the delegitimization of any criticism of Israel only makes it harder to refute the futile equations that are being made between the Nazi murder machine and the Israeli regime of discrimination and occupation.

The institutional abandonment of the survivors is rightly denounced across the board. The transformation of the Holocaust into a political asset for use in the struggle against the Palestinians feed on those same stores of official cynicism, but it is part of the consensus.

Free America Now

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

English to ANZAC

English to ANZAC

I am going to close this thread by the following incident as the actual issue is not English, but, in fact corruption.

NESB Sydney taxi mafia Lim was a bad person. He broke every law in the book. ESB taxi driver was determined to challenge him. The mighty leadership of the Transport Workers Union went on to stab in the back of the driver! The determined driver and his friends continued the fight. The fight went to the court.

Lim decided not to confront his crimes despite ample opportunity extended to him by the legal system.

Finally, a barrister appeared for him for a few occasions. It is being alleged, "the old barrister have been sharing a young women with Lim, etc. etc.". Lim's banister said, "I am unable to locate my client and I do not how I am going to be paid. Nonetheless, I ask you to dismiss the case".

Well known anti-worker Conciliation Commissioner Connor echoed, "If I make a decision in the absence of the defendant - the decision won't assist the applicant. Therefore I dismiss the case". What strange interpretation and application of the law!

In other words, the legal system rewarded the lawbreaker for hiding himself. A court order in his absence after a proper deliberation could have forced him to obey the law whenever he returns in the town! Thus in a way, his crimes remained unpunished despite being an NSEB!

So the issue is not English. In fact endemic corrupt system!

From: "mamubhi"
Date: Sun Jun 4, 2006 8:38 pm
Subject: Re: English to ANZAC

ozcabs, Cowards' Castle

"The taxi driver could not speak English - did not know where the Harbour bridge was" are only a few urban myths propagated by the taxi mafia to demonise, confuse and divide taxi drives. They are totally inconsistent with the real statistics. On the other hand, 85% taxi industry executives linguistic incompetence are recorded facts. Nonetheless, Ministry of Transport issues the licenses and not taxi drivers. Therefore if there are any problems regarding the taxi driver licensing system, then the Ministry should be crucified for being corrupt and incompetence - not hard working drivers.

English speaking background drivers (ESB) and non-English speaking background drivers (NESB) are getting booked by the police for driving an unregistered taxi ($A400.00), whereas NSEB or ESB taxi mafias are not even getting a slap in the wrist for running unregistered taxis!

"English to ANZAC" is capable to speak and defend itself. However, banning someone first, then insulting that person without any valid reason and ground whatsoever is neither a noble nor a courageous approach. This is a Nazi Zionist approach practised by the Israelites of our time, inside and outside occupied Palestine!

So, the issue is not English! Taxi mafias deliberate avoidance of the Occupational Health and Safety Acts, Industrial Relation Acts, etc. etc and commonly known corruption and lies of theirs are real issues that affect us. Let's talk about them and not racist junks.

In, "mamubhi" wrote:

English to ANZAC

English used to be the most ugliest and filthiest language of the world. As a result, the English aristocracy and nobles used to speak in either French or German - not in English. King John ordered to prepare the Magna Carta in Latin as drafting of such a document in English could have reduced the nobility of it. Nonetheless, illiterate John’s thumbprint found a place in this noble document - not his signature! Samuel Johnson was also scared to write the English dictionary. Because, like all of the other languages; English was not clean and sophisticated enough for a dictionary on that time!

However, these days some congenital racist people in Australia use English language to hide their own failures and in-competency. So called TDA Taxi Driver Survey is one such a document. Although such a survey is not the brilliant creation of our time! We did have
a few good ones before.

For an example on the ANZAC Day, I was accosted by two "Ross Nelsons" of the world. Despite my reluctance, they told me, "the meaning of ANZAC is - our forefathers went to overseas wars, so that we don't have to go to any more wars". I did not have the stomach then to ask them, why the hell from the WW1 to today we are involved with never ending wars! Instead, I said, ANZAC means avoid war and hate, embrace love and peace. My response made them very unhappy and they went on to display the best of their behaviors including some bone deep racism! During this commotion, it became a must to clearly notify them to debate properly or stop annoying me.

When a few distinguished university academics found out about this unpleasant event, they apologised to me by saying, "your version of history is close enough and the other one must have derived from Pauline's rhetoric or John Howard's motivational speech based on twisted emotions".

I went on to travel from English to ANZAC, in order to remind "Ross Nelsons" of the world that his so called TDA Survey is wrong. The grand children of ANZACs are screwed by Zengs and Haddads of the world with the assistance of Australian police and other instrumentalities on a daily basis. This is happening not because the Zengs of the world are good in English! It is happening because they are at the right side of the track!

To be precise, I have not seen any valid document to confirm the fact that Sydney Taxi Drivers have communication problem. On the other hand, I have seen taxi mafia's own document prepared by internationally recognised organisation, which confirms the fact that 85% of the taxi industry executives do not know how to read or write English properly. Beside communication problem, many people are not good enough to be a taxi driver. Yet they are good enough to be at the other side of the fence to screw taxi drivers and passengers!

Most importantly, migrant or migrant kids who are similar to or better than professor of English won't be driving taxis for peanuts! They would be in the lecture theatres of universities, operation theatres of hospitals or boardrooms of this town.

Therefore the TDA must not endorse such a racist filth like Ross Nelson’s Drivers Survey.
Source: English to ANZAC

--- In, "Marcus Hiam" wrote:

I have banned Mamubhi from posting. His last posing was offensive and Racist and as such was not acceptable.

(Actually using Moderators powers for the first time)
Source: Banned from POsting

In,"mamubhi" wrote:


Are you familiar with the TDA survey questionnaire I was talking about? Have you understood points of contention in my posting? Will you be able to stop me as I have posted this item in many forums and I can post in as many places I think fit and proper (look at the bottom link called "source"). So, debate the issue and do not hide behind false claim of racism while I have exposed the real racism in the first place!

Source: English to ANZAC
Italic portion was not published. However an intelligent debate regarding this issue is going on in the Sydney Indymedia and other forums.

From: gastaxi@...
Date: Fri Jun 2, 2006 8:49 pm
Subject: Re: [ozcabs] Banned from POsting

Thank you.


--- In, "gerard" wrote:

Well thank Christ for that. I note that the 'filthy English language' was used, to degrade the 'filthy English language'. Fair Dinkum, this guy is a crack, desperately looking for a 'pot'.

By the way, all racist cowards of ozcabs are congratulating each other for banning mamubhi (as above). Are they zionised racist bunch or congenital racists? You see many sections of Australian media are controlled by Zio-Nazis or Zionised people. They have been injecting racism, inciting against many groups. However, if you challenge them, they will gang up against you like these mobs of ozcabs!

For more information please click these links, should you wish!
1. American Terrorism and Brain Washing,
2. Attorney General Bob Debus Is Hiding,

3. Organise Crime In NSW and
4. More Organise Crimes In NSW
5. Stupid Magistrate
6. An Eastern Suburb Court Room
7. Zionised Adriaan
8. Racist Ross Nelson
9. Cross-City Conspiracy Or Corporate Terrorism?
10. Howard's Industrial Relation's Terrorism
11. Cabcharge Story
12. Corruption Colony News
13. Source of knowledge and Moral guidance
14. Sydney Taxi Corruption
15. The Madness and Corruption regarding the Cabcharge
16. The culture of arrogance, corruption and nepotism in Australia
17. Do we have organise crime in the taxi industry?
19. Looking for justice
20. A Lost War
21. Reporting and Spin
22. A short history and warning to greedy people
23. Faruque's victory
24. Documentary Makers Please Note
25: English to ANZAC
Source: ozcabs, Cowards' Castle

Please also examine Faruque's Crushing Defeat (with radio 2GB) to understand bone-deep racism and zio-nazi craps one has put up with.

Source: Free America Now

Friday, March 16, 2007

Nexus Taxi Plate Issue

Nexus Taxi Plate Issue

The Mac Bank pied piper and the Danish white supremacist Peer Lindholt wrote in his Dec/Jan 2005-6 Cabbie, “ … Deloitte Touche Tomatsu is going to investigate Nexus Plate issue”! In that article Lindholt’s version of Nexus Taxi Plate history was wrong like his so called investigation part.

A senior Ministry of Transport official who rang me yesterday said, “I am not aware of such an Inquiry”. His information leads me to believe the fact that Jools have been compromising taxi drivers’ interest and safety while he was sitting at the Taxi Task Force. Such information is consistent with Jools’s earlier conversation with me.

Very soon, I am going to forward a letter of clarification to the Minister regarding these issues.

--- In, "union_faruque" wrote: Do you like to hand over the NSW TDA to:
1. Serial bankrupt (3 times over last 12 years)
2. Professional fraud
3. Self-serving enemy of taxi drivers and
4. Ungrateful cheats?
I would like to challenge them in a court of law, Parliament, media, land, air and sea. Tomorrow I am going to post my discussion with a high ranking Ministry of Transport official today and that conversation too exposes Jolse's criminal nature.

For more information please click these links, should you wish!
1. American Terrorism and Brain Washing

2. Attorney General Bob Debus Is Hiding

3. Organise Crimes In NSW

4. More Organise Crimes In NSW

5. Stupid Magistrate

6. An Eastern Suburb Court Room

7. Zionised Adrian

8. Stupidite' of Ross Nelson

9. Cross-City Conspiracy Or Corporate Terrorism

10. Howard's Industrial Relations Terrorism

11. Cabcharge Story

12. Corruption Colony News

13. Source of Knowledge and Moral Guidance

14. Sydney Taxi Corruption

15. The Madness and Corruption Regarding the Cabcharge

16. The Culture of Arrogance, Corruption and Nepotism in Australia

17. Do We Have Organise Crime In The Taxi Industry?

18. We Do Not Need "slime" - We Do Need A Royal Commission

19. Looking for Justice

20. A Lost War

21. Reporting and Spin

22. A short History of the Taxi Industry and Warning to Greedy People

23. Faruque's Victory

24.Documenatry Makers Please Note

25: English To ANZAC Source: ozcabs, Coward's Castle (Final)

26. Lime Taxis/Mac Bank (Australia) Screw up of the Taxi Industry

27. Three Saints Without Sanity!

28. Real Heroes

29. Moving Forward

30. True Victory for Workers

31. Manufacturing Extremism and Terrorism!

32. Proceeds of Crime

33. Democracy Now √ No Cunning Tricks √ No Public Mischief

34. Monster to Cult Leader, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney_TaxiCorruption

35. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, NSW TDA Sunday 27 August 2006

36. An Open Letter to the Minister for Transport, Sydney_TaxiCorruption, Sydney,

37. Faruque's `Jihad'

38. Jimmy's Jihad, Sydney Taxi Corruption, Free America Now


40. The TDA members have spoken

41. The NSW TDA AGM and Racism

42. This is not racism

43. President Ahmed Faruque

44. Taxi Driver Safety

45. An open letter to David Madden
Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney

46. Pesky Little Zionists

47. Fighters to Fraudsters 48. The TDA Meeting - A Parable

49. Dear Taxi Drivers and Friends

50. Mac Bank Disgrace

51. Draconian Dictators

52. How the Gold Coast QTDA went under

53. Mental Jimmy

54. Slimy Lime

55. Slimy Lime Stooges

56. Gerald of Gold Coast

57. Marcus Hiam

58. Convict and Drug Dealers

59. Earning Gas Chamber Points

60. Ozcabs and Gutless Wonders

61. Cabbie Magazine and Peer Lindholt

62. I am sick and tired of these idiots!

63. Corruption Under NSW Labor Growing

64. What the Hell is Going on Your Honour

65. Khomeini to Bin Laden

66. Rewarding Rum Colony Criminals

67. Faruque Ahmed’s T-shirt

68. Australian Racist Mad Dogs

69. Racist Ross Nelson of Kings Langley

70. Racist Allan fisher of England

71. Poor Don of Taxi List

72. Zionist Criminals – Why do I Love Osama

73. Racist Ross Nelson’s Confession

74. Zionist Criminals – I Love Osama Bin Laden

75. The Danish white supremacist Peer Lindholt

76. Australia Under Israeli Feet

77. Fiery Cannon, Sydney Indy Media

78. Higher Class Frauds or Taxi Drivers?

79. Nexus Taxi Plate

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Diverse Jewish Voices

Diverse Jewish Voices

Listen Now - 08032007 Download Audio - 08032007

A group of 120 Jewish Australians has issued a joint statement and raised an online petition to challenge what it characterises as the 'Jewish establishment's uncritical allegiance to Israeli Government policy and the stifling of dissenting voices within the Jewish community.

It follows a similar statement by prominent Jews in Britain.

Some Australian Jewish commentators claim that the petition potentially encourages anti-semitism, and that the group is made up of 'the usual suspects' flying under a 'flag of convenience'. They have also defended the traditions of debate and self-examination that exist within Australia's mainstream Jewish community.

The Independent Australian Jewish Voices claim their statement has become a lightning rod for concerned Australians, Jewish and non-Jewish on the issue of the Middle East.

Dr. Peter SlezakRepresenting Independent Australian Jewish Voices
Dr. Dvir AbramovichUniversity of Melbourne
Paul Barclay
Story Researcher and Producer
Matthew Leonard

Higher Class Fraud or Taxi Drivers?

Higher Class Fraud or Taxi Drivers?

People with higher intelligence, integrity, capabilities and origin joined in the Sydney taxi drivers’ movement in the recent past. During their short tenure they did it very nicely for themselves! They managed to fill up their own pockets by compromising public good, taxi workers’ safetyvital interests. They also bankrupted the paltry taxi Drivers Association fund without proper approval of the TDA Committee!! Greedy Michael Jollse’s shameless episode in this respect is the most disgusting chapter of the modern day Sydney taxi drivers’ history.

This little clique went on to believe in them selves very seriously and created the Australian Taxi Drivers Association to con the whole nation as well as to wipe out the poor NSW TDA! However, they have lots of eggs on their faces and they failed to get enough subscriptions to justify their own miserable existence. These little pests with the assistance of The Danish white supremacist Peer Lindholt failed to destroy the NSW TDA.

Right now, the same fellows were kicked out by one of the taxi mafia from his Huston Road property! Probably, the ‘millionaires factory’ i.e. Mac Bank is going to kick them out from their greasy little nest too. As a result they are trying to crawl back into the NSW TDA again.

My message is very clear due to all of the above. The NSW TDA is not any one’s property. We have wasted enough time and resources for these disgusting creatures. No more is the answer.

For more information please click these links, should you wish!
1. American Terrorism and Brain Washing
2. Attorney General Bob Debus Is Hiding
3. Organise Crimes In NSW
4. More Organise Crimes In NSW

5. Stupid Magistrate
6. An Eastern Suburb Court Room

7. Zionised Adrian
8. Stupidite' of Ross Nelson

9. Cross-City Conspiracy Or Corporate Terrorism
10. Howard's Industrial Relations Terrorism

11. Cabcharge Story
12. Corruption Colony News

13. Source of Knowledge and Moral Guidance
14. Sydney Taxi Corruption

15. The Madness and Corruption Regarding the Cabcharge
16. The Culture of Arrogance, Corruption and Nepotism in Australia

17. Do We Have Organise Crime In The Taxi Industry?
18. We Do Not Need "slime" - We Do Need A Royal Commission
19. Looking for Justice
20. A Lost War
21. Reporting and Spin
22. A short History of the Taxi Industry and Warning to Greedy People
23. Faruque's Victory

24.Documenatry Makers Please Note
25: English To ANZAC Source: ozcabs, Coward's Castle (Final)

26. Lime Taxis/Mac Bank (Australia) Screw up of the Taxi Industry
27. Three Saints Without Sanity!
28. Real Heroes
29. Moving Forward
30. True Victory for Workers
31. Manufacturing Extremism and Terrorism!
32. Proceeds of Crime
33. Democracy Now √ No Cunning Tricks √ No Public Mischief
34. Monster to Cult Leader, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney_TaxiCorruption
35. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, NSW TDA Sunday 27 August 2006

36. An Open Letter to the Minister for Transport, Sydney_TaxiCorruption, Sydney,
37. Faruque's `Jihad'

38. Jimmy's Jihad, Sydney Taxi Corruption, Free America Now

40. The TDA members have spoken
41. The NSW TDA AGM and Racism

42. This is not racism
43. President Ahmed Faruque

44. Taxi Driver Safety
45. An open letter to David Madden
Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney

46. Pesky Little Zionists

47. Fighters to Fraudsters
48. The TDA Meeting - A Parable

49. Dear Taxi Drivers and Friends
50. Mac Bank Disgrace

51. Draconian Dictators
52. How the Gold Coast QTDA went under
53. Mental Jimmy
54. Slimy Lime

55. Slimy Lime Stooges
56. Gerald of Gold Coast

57. Marcus Hiam

58. Convict and Drug Dealers
59. Earning Gas Chamber Points
60. Ozcabs and Gutless Wonders

61. Cabbie Magazine and Peer Lindholt
62. I am sick and tired of these idiots!
63. Corruption Under NSW Labor Growing
64. What the Hell is Going on Your Honour
65. Khomeini to Bin Laden

66. Rewarding Rum Colony Criminals
67. Faruque Ahmed’s T-shirt

68. Australian Racist Mad Dogs
69. Racist Ross Nelson of Kings Langley
70. Racist Allan fisher of England
71. Poor Don of Taxi List

72. Zionist Criminals – Why do I Love Osama 73. Racist Ross Nelson’s Confession

74. Zionist Criminals – I Love Osama Bin Laden
75. The Danish white supremacist Peer Lindholt

76. Australia Under Israeli Feet
77. Fiery Cannon, Sydney Indy Media

78. Higher Class Frauds or Taxi Drivers?
and many other