Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Fiery Cannon

Fiery Cannon

Bob Marley once sang a line that went "catch a fire so that you don’t get burned". Well that's what has just happened- driver solidarity folks.

A cab driver was charged by police some time ago over an incident that involved a taxi cab taking off under its own instigation and crashing into a power pole but not before colliding with a pedestrian and mounting a nature strip in the forecourt of a major city hotel.

It seems that the state government could well heed the advise proffered in the Roy Morgan Report Regarding the Authorised Taxi Inspection Scheme conducted by Anne Matherson in 1995. That advise has never seen the light of day because as soon as the report was released by its authors to the old Department of Transport, the department sat on it as an albatross protects its young hatchling against the winds of the Roaring Forties.

In this case the winds of public scrutiny. Of a department seriously "captured"- as one wag in the ombudsman's office once put it, in writing- by the forces of ulterior motive- vested interest - mafia- whatever you like to call them.

It sometimes happens though that hapless taxi drivers falling foul of the law are in contact with other drivers that can back them up as credible witnesses in court, with for instance the clout and credibility of a union delegate.

It's a fool's errand that the RTA and the NSW Police have to administer the law to the bailee taxi drivers of this state with regard to defective motor vehicles.

And the aftermath is of often serious and sometimes tragic accidents when the underling cause of those accidents is a defective taxi- passed as roadworthy by a system that is flawed and in many cases compromised by the incestuous relationship between those who stand to do bulk business feeding cabs to Authorised Taxi Inspection outfits, the inspectors and the mafia- oh and not to forget the jelly - backed politicians that let it all happen.

Under the guise of co - regulation the state government has manifestly reneged on it¹s duty of care to ensure that taxi cabs be impartially and effectively inspected, that is, as it once was by the independent old (Dept of Motor Transport) government workshops and handed thus Sharon Tate to Charles Manson- signed sealed and delivered- on the platter as ordered by Uncle Reg.

Okay there was corruption there too but- now as opposed to then we have the Independent Commission Against Corruption to deal with government shonks.

Cabbie magazine (last issue) carried an article about back ache- it should have mentioned the driver seats in cabs- never re padded- allowed- passed by way of inspection by the Authorised Taxi Inspection outfits in a manner that the seats the passengers sit on would never be approved of- giving drivers a life time of agony and back ache should they have the "privilege" as Industry boss Howard Harrison writes in "Taxi"- of slaving away for years in Sydney taxis.

Pity the poor immigrant taxi driver who knows nothing of this- knows nothing of the pretence of what the Australian legal system and Australian democracy sets out to achieve- and stumbles into the snake pit of obfuscation and perfidy that is the Sydney taxi industry. How can the clan that parades itself as the fathers of the industry, the beneficent mob that book out the flashiest hotel in town to dole out the Œtaxi driver of the year awards¹ etc etc be the same mongrels that cause all this to happen? Go ask Alice.

Drivers take the fight to the coal face of the courts as did this guy or veteran prize fighter Faruque Ahmed- last year when he got his matter thrown out of the Waverley Court- exposing the taxi mafia as he did. In Australia piss ants get pissed on- from a great height.

Don’t be a piss ant-catch a fire. Fire up and fight.

For more information please click these links, should you wish!
1. American Terrorism and Brain Washing

2. Attorney General Bob Debus Is Hiding

3. Organise Crimes In NSW

4. More Organise Crimes In NSW

5. Stupid Magistrate

6. An Eastern Suburb Court Room

7. Zionised Adrian

8. Stupidite' of Ross Nelson

9. Cross-City Conspiracy Or Corporate Terrorism

10. Howard's Industrial Relations Terrorism

11. Cabcharge Story

12. Corruption Colony News

13. Source of Knowledge and Moral Guidance

14. Sydney Taxi Corruption

15. The Madness and Corruption Regarding the Cabcharge

16. The Culture of Arrogance, Corruption and Nepotism in Australia

17. Do We Have Organise Crime In The Taxi Industry?

18. We Do Not Need "slime" - We Do Need A Royal Commission

19. Looking for Justice

20. A Lost War

21. Reporting and Spin

22. A short History of the Taxi Industry and Warning to Greedy People

23. Faruque's Victory

24.Documenatry Makers Please Note

25: English To ANZAC http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/NSWTDAEXEC/message/2081
Source: ozcabs, Coward's Castle
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freeamericanow/message/32383 (Final)

26. Lime Taxis/Mac Bank (Australia) Screw up of the Taxi Industry

27. Three Saints Without Sanity!http://sydney.indymedia.org/node/37356

28. Real Heroes

29. Moving Forward http://sydney.indymedia.org/node/37538

30. True Victory for Workers

31. Manufacturing Extremism and Terrorism!

32. Proceeds of Crime

33. Democracy Now √ No Cunning Tricks √ No Public Mischief

34. Monster to Cult Leader, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney_TaxiCorruption, Sydney

35. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, NSW TDA Sunday 27 August 2006

36. An Open Letter to the Minister for Transport, Sydney_TaxiCorruption, Sydney,

37. Faruque's `Jihad'

38. Jimmy's Jihad, Sydney Taxi Corruption, Free America Now


40. The TDA members have spoken

41. The NSW TDA AGM and Racism

42. This is not racism

43. President Ahmed Faruque

44. Taxi Driver Safety

45. An open letter to David Madden
Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney

46. Pesky Little Zionists

47. Fighters to Fraudsters

48. The TDA Meeting - A Parable

49. Dear Taxi Drivers and Friends

50. Mac Bank Disgrace

51. Draconian Dictators

52. How the Gold Coast QTDA went under

53. Mental Jimmy

54. Slimy Lime

55. Slimy Lime Stooges

56. Gerald of Gold Coast

57. Marcus Hiam

58. Convict and Drug Dealers

59. Earning Gas Chamber Points

60. Ozcabs and Gutless Wonders

61. Cabbie Magazine and Peer Lindholt

62. I am sick and tired of these idiots!

63. Corruption Under NSW Labor Growing

64. What the Hell is Going on Your Honour

65. Khomeini to Bin Laden

66. Rewarding Rum Colony Criminals

67. Faruque Ahmed’s T-shirt
68. Australian Racist Mad Dogs

69. Racist Ross Nelson of Kings Langley

70. Racist Allan fisher of England

71. Poor Don of Taxi List

72. Zionist Criminals – Why do I Love Osama

73. Racist Ross Nelson’s Confession

74. Zionist Criminals – I Love Osama Bin Laden

75. The Danish white supremacist Peer Lindholt

76. Australia Under Israeli Feet

77. Fiery Cannon

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Zionist Criminals – I Love Osama Bin Laden

Zionist Criminals – I Love Osama Bin Laden

Further to Rewarding Rum Colony Criminals and Faruque Ahmed’s T-shirt, the Zionism is older than Nazism. In fact the Nazis borrowed many nasty ideas and tricks from the Zionists! Therefore, in many ways, Zionists are responsible for many Nazi atrocities of the past.

The Zionism is worse than Nazism as one is the product of a few mad people during a difficult period of time comparing Zionsm - which is the product of millions of Israelis and their supporters stretching across half a century with a stamp of infinity!

The Nazism is based on German nationalism and Zionism is based on Jewish nationalism. The Nazism subscribes on racial purity and supremacy. The Zionism subscribes on religious purity and supremacy and eventually ends up with racial supremacy and purity like Nazism!

The Zionists are milking the "Holocaust Cow" while conducting war crimes, massacres and genocides in the longest running concentration of the universe located in the occupied Palestine with a stamp of infinity!

Most importantly Zionist crimes are recorded and proven beyond reasonable doubt. Yet, Nazis are condemned and Zionists are rewarded! The Zionists can insult and attack anyone without any valid reasons and grounds. Yet, no one is allowed to question Zionist crimes. Even, the lefty media outlet like Melbourne and Sydney Indy Media are muzzled or bought by them.

In conclusion, the Zionist and Bush regimes crimes are proven unlike Osama’s! Therefore, making a T-shirt, “Zionist Criminals – I Love Osama” is not wrong.

Abridged from: Zionism vs Nazism

Blogspot, Sydney Indy Media, and Free America Now

Source: Zionist Criminals – I Love Osama Bin Laden

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Australian Racists ganged up with American Terrorists!

Australian Racists ganged up with American Terrorists!

Rewarding Rum Colony Criminals was published at blogspot, Melbourne Indy Media, ozcabs and taxi list. This article deals with many burning issues of Australian Taxi Industry. However the NSW TDA forum refused to publish it. Yet, the TDA forum published offensive materials like Mik’s poem and Jimmy’s filths!

Racist Ross Nelson’s contribution --- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "rossco1955" wrote:

The author of this and another similar post is a bloke called Faruque Amhed. He is a dope.One day he turned up to a Taxi Driver meeting wearing a T shirt with "I love Osama" printed on his chest.Need I say any more about this moron ? rossco
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43109

mamubhi made the case easier for every one! --- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "mamubhi" wrote:
Re: Rewarding Rum Colony Criminals

The comment of that racist and mental from Australia got nothing to do with the issues mentioned in this post. Why is he resorting in to personal vilification based on totally false and fabricated materials?To the best of my memory, Faruque Ahmed does not have any T- shirt with "I love Osama" printed. This is a deliberate lie. Mr. Ahmed has challenged these liars to present an iota of evidence in support of their claims. Would you believe they failed miserably!
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43111

Peter did everything possible to stop the idiocy regarding the T-shirt. Even the ozcabs stopped publicizing racist craps about this issue. --- In ozcabs@yahoogroups.com, peter pan wrote:

The only t-shirt I ever recall Faruque wearing read: "I Love Salami".

I suggest those who remember it as reading "I Love Osama" are merely making an honest mistake.Love,Porno Pete,who's had EVERY post to NSWTDAFORUM rejected as being not suitable for children (bar one) by TDA Information Minister, Ernie Goebbels.P.S. Recent scientific research has discovered that the TDA has as much, or less, tangible existence as phenomena like flying saucers, alien abductions, abominable snowmen and international Zionist conspiracies. It is merely the product of a combination - in varying proportions - of paranoia, wishful thinking, collective social delusion, urban myth and hypersurrealcognitoinfantilism.
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ozcabs/message/24461

An Indy Media Contributors’ comment is self explanatory - Go the taxi driversby Don is Good (State Secretary) Wednesday February 07, 2007 at 10:40 PM

The Taxi drivers need you Kamal and so does the rest of the country! Keep up the vigilance!
Source: Don

Faruque Ahmed's T-shirt failed to stop racists like Ross Nelson.

Racist Ross again! How the hell his racist and sectarian filths below are related to the taxi industry? In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "rossco1955" wrote:

Michael Jools, David Bradley,Adriaan Wisse and I founded the NSW Taxi Drivers Association to try to make taxi driving "suck" a little less.I frequently wonder why I bother though, with some dribbling morons like Faruque Amhed driving cabs. (This will be deemed to be racist no doubt.)I am told that Amhed's roots are Bangladeshi. He has told me that he is not a devout Muslim.Who cares to both. rossco
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43131

Collin wrote:

It does concern me that certain protagonists in this argument continually bash Faruque Ahmed about a T-Shirt they claim he once wore to a meeting. They claim that the T-Shirt featured a picture of Osama Bin Laden and the words "I Love Osama". When this first arose, my initial response was that, if Faruque loves Osama, that makes him a better christian than I would ever hope to be.Faruque, in person, is a voluble, but humourous fellow. I like him a lot. He's a bit of punk at heart.He tells me that the T-shirt does not mention Osama Bin Laden, it's something about America being the world's number one Zionist terrorists. Apparently, Michael Jools got the T-shirt printed for Faruque, when they were long standing, firm friends. So, Jools was in the position to correct others' mistaken memory of that T-shirt, but I don't think he ever has.Colin, who hasn't been censored in this forum since last year.
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/NSWTDAFORUM/message/3933

Another racist and sectarian filth of Ross --- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "rossco1955" wrote:

Faruque Ahmed is mamubhi. He hates Jews (IMO)He was a member of the NSW Transport Worker's Union. There was a falling out there.When a Sihk driver was murdered in western Sydney in 2001 (I think) a large number of of Sihks decided to form an action group. It was called the 'Cabbies Welfare Association' (CWA).'CWA' is the acronym for one of Australia's oldest and most respected associations.. The Country Women's Association.I pointed this out to Amhed, who had sniffed an opportunity and managed to become secretary.He completely ignored me. Such is his distain for Australia and its institutions.Against my will he was accepted as a committee member of the NSW TDA. He has been completely useless.He offered 500 CWA members. I had the job of trying to contact them to join the NSW TDA. The list '500' was about 160. Of them about 70 were contactible and joined.The mentally unstable Amhed haunts night radio talk back shows.He is not understandable. Despite living in a English speaking country for many years he speaks poor English. I think that he probably speaks his native tougue poorly too. He gets a small irrelevant idea in his dim mind and just flaps his gums.Committee meetings with him are excruciating.Anyway... I think that Taxi List members now have the measure of the man.He has NOT accepted my challege to denounce the filthy, scum ,mudering piece of pig shit Osama bin Laden.Why would that be I wonder ?I also wonder why he chooses to live in a country whose inhabitants he hates.Nothing to do with social welfare payments,clean water,decent housing,plenty of food,stable government,low crime rate,religious tollerance,good education,good weather,good just about everything huh ?Frankly, I wish that he would piss off and give Bangladesh the benefit of his political activism. racist rossco

Faruque asked racists to present evidence. --- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "union_faruque" wrote:

For details, please click : Australian Racist Mad Dogs, Racist mad dogs are barking. Their false and fabricated statements will testify against themselves!However, I will say one thing only. If those people know who their fathers are (I mean if they are not bastards) then please ask them to present an iota of evidence to confirm the fact that I have a "I love Osama T-Shirt". I have challenged them before and they failed then. I am challenging them now too. If they are not bastards then they will present some evidence to confirm, "Faruque Ahmed has a T-Shirt which says I love Osama".This challenge is open to
1. Peer Lindholt
2. Michel Jools
3. Ross Nelson
4. David Bradley or anyone.

Faruque Ahmed
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43143

mamubhi wrote to racists. . --- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "mamubhi" wrote:
Re: Australian Racist Mad Dogs

Further to Rewarding Rum Colony Criminals, Faruque Ahmed's T-shirt and Australian Racist Mad Dogs – Faruque Ahmed said he is going to make a T-shirt tomorrow.
That one will say, "I Love Osama – U Racist Bastards". So write down the time and date.

Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43165

Racist Ross Nelson’s lies continues! --- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "rossco1955" wrote:
Re: Australian Racist Mad Dogs

-Mamuubii (or whatever Amhed's last nom d' plume was )has now been flushed out and uses his real name. He asks for proof that he owns an "I Love Osama" tee shirt. As he has put on some weight since I saw him wearing it at the Cyprus Club in Stanmore (I could find the date on Ozcabs) he may well no longer own it.Peer Lindholdt was a witness, in fact it was him who asked if he was wearing it. (It was not displayed on stage when Ahmed rambled on unintelligibly to those assembled). Faruque opened his jacket to proudly reveal a blue tee shirt with white print that read "I LOVE OSAMA".He told me that he was going to speak at a student rally of thousands and the tee shirt was for their benefit.Anyway Faruque Amhed, here is your chance to publically deny that you support that filthy murdering son of a bitch Osama bin Ladin. Tell us how much you despise Al Quaeda's mass murder of several hundreds of American citizens and other New York workers.Don't forget to put your name to this statement of hatred of a mass murderer so that I can Fwd it all of your wacky web sites.OK everyone start holding your breath now. rossco
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43148

Racist Ross Nelson becomes a psychologist! "rossco1955" wrote:
Re: [Taxi List] Love letter to me from Faruque Ahmed

-What I said was that I had not read the whole lot. (entire rant). No need. I have read plenty of similar stuff from him in the past. I posted it because of Ahmed's long association with taxi politics, his attacks on Taxi List members and as a demonstration of what is in the guy's head.
The list members will make their own judgement re Ahmed. I certainly have no desire to continue any tit for tat with him. Frankly I wish that he did not exist. rossco
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43207

Racist Ross is not a racist!
In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "rossco1955" wrote:
[Taxi List] Re: Rewarding Rum Colony Criminals

I have no idea what clothes Faruque has in his wardrobe or scattered around his Marrickville flat floor.If a witness is adequate proof ...I do recall that Peer Lindholdt was present at the large meeting (he spoke from the stage) and subsequent chat later. In fact he made mention of the "I love Osama" tee shirt.It is interesting that Faruque now seems to deny it. If I could be bothered I could trawl back through old chat group posts where he was proud to wear it.I am not sure what is worse... an Osama follower or Osama Judas.In the partial post below mamubhi denies that he is Faruque... This is seriously wierd. A Judas to himself. rossco
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43129

Mamubhi challenges racist Ross. However, the terrorist of taxi list refused to publish it.

Racist Ross Nelson of Kings Langley,

Present evidence or shut up. Else I am going to expose you and your racist mask properly.Faruque Ahmed
Source: Racist Ross Nelson of Kings Langley

--- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "rossco1955" wrote:

Snipped from a Faruque Amhed post to Taxi List.>>>>>>>>>>>; Faruque Ahmed said he is going to make a T-shirt tomorrow. That one will say, "I Love Osama – U Racist Bastards". So write down the time and date.>>>>>>>>>>>>>rosscoresting his case for now, due to the absence of post that tells the members of this list that Ahmed hates the filthy murdering scum Osama bin Ladin. Or likes him (which I racistly suspect)
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43171

Mamubhi’s response below to Racist Alan Fisher was not published by the American Terrorist of taxi list while he allowed Alan’s crap.

Allan Fisher,

Are you a Zionist or Zionsed victim? During the second WW 50 million people died. To be precise, 30 million of them were civilians and 20 million were military personals. What kinds of brain washed racist bastard would ignore 44 million lives and continue to cry for only “lost and found” six millions, may I ask? Oh, what about the English Holocaust in Ireland, British Holocaust in Bengal and Israeli Holocaust in the Occupied Palestine? Are they inferior than these “chosen arses”? How could you maintain such a double standard and hypocrisy?
Source: Alan Fisher of England

--- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, callsignmag@... wrote:
Re: [Taxi List] Re: Australian Racist Mad Dogs

Can I add to what Don has written in that whoever this 'mamubhi' is, the heading to his blogger page - Who Deserves Gas Chamber - is a gross insult to the memories of those 6million who died that way in the Nazi concentration camps.

Is that what you are about - with or without this mysterious t-shirt that nobody cares about?Alan FisherLondon (Eng)In a message dated 14/02/2007 19:44:55 GMT Standard Time, dmc@...writes:
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43167

Mamubhi’s response below to Don was not published by the American Terrorist of taxi list while he allowed his own crap.


I was talking about taxis. A few racist bastards started to talk about race, religion and many personal matters and they are not relevant to the debate at all! Most of those innuendos are based on usual lies. Please examine the link “Rum Colony Criminals Rewarded” and let me know if I am correct.
Source: Poor Don of Taxi List

In a message dated 14/02/2007 19:44:55 GMT Standard Time, dmc@...writes: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43167

At the risk of being called a racist hate monger, am I going to have to read a whole lot more of this non taxi related bullshit? Do you have something to say? If you do, please pull you head out of your ass so I can hear exactly what it is that you think you have to say. If you want to have flame wars with members of the list do it elsewhere. dmc
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43175

--- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "John-Paul Pace" wrote:

Blank The poor guy is stark raving bonkers, he should be committed to a secure mental institution. What always puzzles me is why people like this deluded idiot want to live in our free democracies with all the benefits that entails and why do we tolerate them?

John-Paul Pace1b. Re: Love letter to me from Faruque AhmedPosted by: "callsignmag@..." callsignmag@... alanfshr Date: Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:32 am ((PST))

My dear FaruqueIf you are going to refer to me as a racist, then at least spell my name correctly!Alan FisherLondon (Eng)

In a message dated 17/02/2007 09:05:36 GMT Standard Time, rossnelson@... writes from

Faruque Ahmed:Racist Ross Nelson of Kings Langley, Racist Allan fisher of England and Poor Don of Taxi List are at our service.www.thelondontaxi.co.ukThe London Taxi Media and Marketing Consultancy mobile: 07751510309*************************************************************[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43234

--- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "K. Weiszhaar" wrote:
Re: [Taxi List] Love letter to me from Faruque Ahmed

I see. You haven't read it, but think it's important enough to repost on a Taxi List.This ends here.Karl in Denco

Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43201

--- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "rossco1955" wrote:
Re: [Taxi List] Love letter to me from Faruque Ahmed

--Hey Alan,
Faruque craves fame... Give it too him by publishing some of his crap.Headlines could be ... 'Down Under Dork' 'Would you like to be this cabbie's passenger?' 'Mad' ...Sorry Alan. Who am I to tell an editor how to suck eggs ?rossco
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43194

--- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, callsignmag@... wrote:
Re: [Taxi List] Love letter to me from Faruque Ahmed

My dear Faruque

If you are going to refer to me as a racist, then at least spell my name correctly!Alan FisherLondon (Eng)In a message dated 17/02/2007 09:05:36 GMT Standard Time, rossnelson@... writes from Faruque Ahmed:Racist Ross Nelson of Kings Langley, Racist Allan fisher of England and Poor Don of Taxi List are at our service.
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43192

--- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "Chris Manning" wrote:
Taxi List] Re: Rewarding Rum Colony Criminals

Who cares indeed? I have long ago given up trying to understand or follow all these posts from the various Sydney list members, or work out who is telling the truth, etc. etc.

I thought 'Mamubhi' and 'Faruque Ahmed' were one and the same person. Now it appears I was mistaken. (See what I mean!)

'Rum Colony' is a reference the early days of the colony of New South Wales when rum was a de facto currency.

Chris Manning

Monbulk, Victoria, Australia (a long way from Sydney)
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43132

--- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "rossco1955" wrote:
[Taxi List] Re: Rewarding Rum Colony Criminals

-Yep... I bet nobody read all of Faruque Ahmed's libelous drivvel. As he mentioned me in some obscure way (linking racism to my disaproval of a merchant bank business model) I will respond to this for the record.As soon as one says "I am not a racist" Shakespeare's "the lady protests too much" springs to mind.It is one of those nasty accusations meant to make some mud stick."Are you still beating your wife?" is another example.The fact that my wife, to whom I have been happily married for nearly 17 years, is Thai and my son is (obviously) half Thai does not seem to enter into Amhed's calculations that about who is racist or not.As I said the triple by-pass survivor is a complete moron.As for Macquarie Bank's business plan (as stated in press reports) to flood Sydney with 240 ramping up to 1000 extra taxis I am still resolutely opposed to that.It won't happen though. The government will not release that many "free" Wheel Chair Acessible (WAT) plates. After spending possibly as much as $20mil they still do not really have a taxi network. I am told that they have 40 Mercedes vans (WATs) but are struggling to find drivers. They have only a handful of "Apple" (limo style) and "GPS" (normal) cabs in their 'fleet'.The catch 22 is that they can not attract drivers without a customer base and can not build a cusdtomer base without cabs.(Well they could, but they would need to pay me a lot of money to tell them how.)rosscowho wonders if Macqarie Bank is not abandonning its cab company aspirations for fear of ridicule ... "You can't even run a cab company"note: McBank shares have gone from about $25 to about $80 in little over two years.
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43130

--- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, "Joseph Minnich" wrote:
Re: [Taxi List] Re: Rewarding Rum Colony Criminals

where in this post is there racist remarks?What is the point in the original post anyways?who cares.. i sure don't to be honest....the cab business sucks... it has become a joke... one day I might have the strength to put this rotten business behind me and move on.
Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43126

--- In Taxi-List@yahoogroups.com, callsignmag@... wrote:
Re: [Taxi List] Re: Rewarding Rum Colony Criminals

Can I ask how you know what clothes Mr Ahmed has in his wardrobe?Alan FisherLondon (Eng)In a message dated 11/02/2007 16:47:09 GMT Standard Time,mamubhi@... writes:

To the best of my memory, Faruque Ahmed does not have any T shirt with "I love Osama" printed. This is a deliberate lie. Mr. Ahmed has challenged these liars to present an iota of evidence in support of their claims. Would you believe they failed miserably!Source: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taxi-List/message/43116

P.S: Finally, we have many more examples of serial racist acts and we can present them should you wish. We also heard many rumors about Ross Nelson and his family i.e. his inability to find a wife in Australia, which forced him to pick up a mail order bride from a brothel of Bangkok and many more. However, Faruque refused to use them by saying, “we can not be low like them”. But, where is Faruque? He is wasting time with racists’ false and manufactured allegations!